5 Entrepreneur Trends in 2022 | Jacob Baranski

By Jacob Baranski Founder of Hartman Projects

Jacob Baranski
3 min readMar 8, 2022
Jacob Baranski, Jake Baranski, Jake, Jacob, Baranski, Guelph, Chilrens, Jacob
Jacob Baranski

Jacob Baranski, an entrepreneur and father of three, has seen the rise of entrepreneurship since the 2020 lockdown. People were either laid off, quit their jobs or finally hit a wall and said, enough, I want to create my own business. And this trend isn’t slowing down any time soon.

With continued remote work and online businesses continuing to bloom, Jacob Baranski breaks down a few trends he’s seeing as of late. Business owners or those who want to be, take note.

1) Building Apps has Never Been Easier

You don’t have to be a coder or hire a team to create an app. Now you can bring your ideas to life easier with no code or low code apps: where there’s a drag-and-drop interface. Low code enables anyone to build and create blogs, online marketplaces, and even SasS platforms and apps.

And here’s proof: low-code development platform could be worth $45.5 billion by 2025.

2) Email is Alive & Thriving

You may wonder if email is even relevant anymore with a new social media platform seeming to pop up every six months — but email is actually the leading platform that retains clients and sells.

Jacob Baranski agrees that entrepreneurs like himself are falling back in love with email because for one, you own your email list, unlike followers on your social media platforms. ConvertKit, a creator marketing platform that specializes in email, is up 88% in searches since 2017.

Email is a bit more personal, and it’s going to people who willingly subscribed to your content, making them more willing to buy.

3) Specialize in a Specialty

The most successful companies out there are the ones that are the most innovative and specialized, says Jacob Baranski. Like in the publishing world, authors who doubled as illustrators and writers was and still is, a trend. What becomes a successful product is something that is cutting-edge, unique, cuts down on time, and that highlights needs that are of right now: climate saving, healthier, 3-in-1 solution — you name it.

Entrepreneurs are outsourcing help such as bringing on VA’s (virtual assistants) or product fulfillment third parties, so their time is freed up to focus on where their talent lies.

4) Entrepreneur Communities are Growing

With the advent of advanced technology, work-from-home policies and more and more people quitting their jobs to work for themselves, we’re finding more people becoming entrepreneurs. Joining an entrepreneurial community will give you the support, education and potential collaboration you’ll need to become successful.

Jacob Baranski especially loves to collaborate with his entrepreneur friends, as it inspires him to get to work.

5) Building Globalized Businesses

With the rise of the digital nomad trend that sparked even before the 2019 COVID pandemic, comes more opportunity to work with people around the world. This has many benefits, including learning about different cultures and needs of customers, giving more employment opportunities to those in foreign countries, and expanding your market.

If you’ve been thinking about starting your own business, the time is now. And if you’re an entrepreneur, things are changing rapidly especially with technology, so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve.



Jacob Baranski

Jacob Baranski is an entrepreneur, mountain biking enthusiast, and father to three amazing children.